
Maginalia and jottings

Project Gutenberg now offers free audiobooks. (Via SFSignal). Interestingly, I saw a table at my local Barnes & Noble displaying the nominees for The Quill Awards. I say interesting because the only place you can vote for these awards other than online is at (say it quietly now) Borders Books. For whatever reason, I have […]

Jackson Browne to release on own label

Jackson Browne plans to release CDs on his own independent label, Inside Recordings. The first, called Solo Acoustic, Vol. 1, is slated for release in the US on October 11. Inside Recordings also plans a 2006 release of Browne’s next studio effort, already in process, and another volume in the solo acoustic series.

The upcoming […]

DVD takes

Distant (2002) 2.5/5

A slow-moving Turkish film that explores isolation in the midst of others. Reminiscent of Italian neorealism, the film is based on a down-on-his-luck villager going to Istanbul to find a job and moving in with a down-on-his-emotions photographer who hails from the same village. The film won the Jury Grand Prize at […]


For whatever reason, last night and early this morning I wasn’t tuned in to the NPR/BBC radio news programs to which I commonly listen. Thus, I was somewhat stunned to see the headline in this morning’s paper about Chief Justice Rehnquist’s death.

Three thoughts came to mind. One is the long-lasting effect of having Bush […]

CD quick takes

A Bigger Bang, The Rolling Stones — An advance copy reveals the PR and hype is right. From the opening cut, “Rough Justice,” you realize this is the Stones as the Stones should sound. Moreover, while there are some weak tunes, Jagger and Richards still have the ability to craft real rock music. This CD […]