
Book Review: Spin (2005)

Robert Charles Wilson, one of a contingent of excellent Canadian science fiction authors, hits the mark again with Spin.

Spin‘s scale is huge. Basically, one night the stars and moon disappear because someone or something has placed a barrier around the Earth that has slowed the passage of time dramatically compared to the rest of […]

Riffs and bookmarks

Sunday’s NYT has an interesting column on Bob Dylan’s Never-Ending Tour. (By the way, the Bill Wyman who wrote the column is a rock critic and Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones once sent him a “cease and desist” letter to asking him to stop using the name.) The Blogcritics version of my review […]


In a sidebar to a short interview with Senate Minority Leader Henry Reid, the new Rolling Stone also has brief paragraphs on several “radical Republicans” in the Senate. Our new senator from South Dakota is included in the list of “right-wing extremists”. Too bad RS called him “Jim” Thune.

It is [a politician’s] business to […]

Clarence Thomas and state theocracy

Sliding under my radar several days ago was the latest venture by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas into support for theocracy in the United States.

Roughly a year ago, I blogged about how his concurrence in the so-called pledge case indicated his Establisment Clause (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”) jurisprudence […]

The “TBR” pile

It keeps growing. The “to be read” pile has not only overwhelmed the built-in shelves on the bed, it’s creeping onto the nightstand and I’m running out of room on the “to be read after some of these others” shelf in the adjoining room. (The interim stop for books between the TBR stack and “one […]