
Book Review: Sunstorm (2005)

Arthur C. Clarke is one of the primary reasons I became a science fiction fan. During the early 1970s, I read Childhood’s End and the incomparable Hugo Award-winning Rendezvous with Rama and one or two collected works. The enjoyment of those books not only led to more of his books but to many, many other […]

Jottings and bookmarks

Here’s a site tracking usage of the F word per episode on Deadwood. Any volunteers to track the 10-letter C word? (Via Mount Blogmore). The Sparrow, one of my all-time favorite books, is in movie development with Brad Pitt slotted for the starring role. I am somewhat puzzled that Pitt would be selected when […]

On the Brits and the Hugo Award

Charles Stross, whose Iron Sunrise is one of five nominees for the Hugo Award for best novel, has a lengthy blog post on why all the nominees are British. It is well worth reading in its entirety but here’s some excerpts:

American SF is going through a gloom-laden period induced by external social conditions[.]

*** […]

The Revealer

Although I’ve been reading it for a long time and it’s in my daily RSS feed, I just recently added The Revealer to the links list. The last week or so is an indication of why it’s now linked.

First, there is Garret Keizer’s inquiry, “Is the media Catholic?” (which could surely apply to the […]

Devils and Dust

I was lucky enough to get my hands on an advance copy of the audio tracks of Springsteen’s Devils and Dust this evening. It is impossible to be definitive on a first listen (okay, it was two back-to-back). Still, there is no doubt true Springsteen fans will love it. Whether it will appeal to a […]