
More on McEwan

As I’ve indicated, the clarity of writing and expression isn’t the only reason I am so impressed with Ian McEwan‘s Saturday. Another part of it was he seemed to put on paper thoughts virtually identical to my own on a variety of topics, from post-9/11 society to the power of music. What perhaps hit closest […]

Notes and bookmarks

A few odds and ends:

Bruuuuce is embarking on a brief spring solo tour. The Revealer notes the potential debate over lowering flags to half-staff as a result of the Pope’s death. Hunter Thompson’s family plans to blast his ashes from a cannon in a gonzo fist and Bob Dylan may perform at the ceremony. […]

Music’s power and McEwan

This post has been in process for a couple weeks. Ian McEwan’s Saturday brought it to fruition.

I am continually amazed by the exceptional power of music. I’d love to find an explanation of how a song can produce goose bumps. Or why certain ones (a specific portion of Springsteen’s Rosalita and, of all things, […]

Pulitzer Prizes

I don’t pay as much attention to the Pulitzer Prizes as I did when I was a journalist. Now I mainly look at the literary awards, although my experience has been that Pulitzer winners are generally fairly serious tomes, particularly the non-fiction.

Anyway, the 2005 winners were announced today and include:

FICTION, Gilead, Marilynne Robinson


Book Review: Saturday by Ian McEwan

This book is, quite simply, magnificent.

As I’ve noted, I don’t read much standard fiction. And I’ve never read anything of McEwan’s. The buzz on Saturday, though, led me to pick it up. It is a masterpiece.

The basic premise is a Saturday in the life of a London neurosurgeon. The vulnerability we feel in […]