
Notes and riffs

It’s disappointing to realize this past weekend marked the 50th anniversity of the death of Charlie “Yardbird” Parker and I saw nary a word about him in any general interest national publications to which I subscribe, or even Rolling Stone. While I didn’t expect anything from the local media, I at least expected the […]

Book Review: The Society of Others (2005)

Once in a while you come across a book that grabs and enthralls you. The Society of Others by William Nicholson is one of those.

While I admit I haven’t yet figured out the ending, getting there is quite a ride. The novel is Kafkaesque, existential tale of the ordeals of a young unnamed Brit […]

Not going through those Doors

So, “The Doors” are coming to Sioux City’s Orpheum next month. Not really. Actually, the band that is playing there is The Doors of the 21st Century (although you wouldn’t know that from the Argus today). It consists of keyboardist Ray Manzarek and guitarist Robbie Krieger, who were in the original band, together with vocalist […]

Is this why I’m addicted to “Deadwood”?

From Frank Rich in the NYT:

[L]et me recommend the series that probably has more four-letter words, with or without participles, than any in TV history. That would be “Deadwood” on HBO. Its linguistic gait befits its chapter of American history, the story of a gold-rush mining camp in the Dakota Territory of the late […]

A superfluous Link

It doesn’t take long to get an indication of the quality of Link (online version here), the new tabloid entertainment supplement from the Argus. The first three pages are nothing but advertisements.

The Beckster gives it front page billing as the product of “months of work” intended to give readers “the most relevant and sophisticated […]