I’m behind on writing reviews and have not been implementing ideas for other posts. I have several review books lined up ahead of even more books I’ve been wanting to read for a while. Still, I find a touch of consolation in the fact the same thing is happening in London.
I actually have a […]
Bulletin Board
Occupy Sioux Falls is this afternoon.
At about the same time the Twin Cities Book Festival is being held in downtown Minneapolis.
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
Humor speaks truth: Wrong People Arrested on Wall Street (“NYPD spokesman Frank Hannefy explained the controversial decision to arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters while […]
Blog Headline of the Week
How to Get Back at Your Ex: First, Kill a Bear
Bookish Linkage
The Uprise Books Project hopes to provide new copies of banned and challenged books to underprivileged teens throughout the country free of charge.
SF Signal has made its guide to NPR’s top 100 SF and fantasy […]
In an Oxford lecture earlier this year, literary critic James Wood suggested that the “New Atheists” might be well served by looking to the modern novel. He says atheists — and some Christian fundamentalists — insist too much on polemic literalism. Novels, he said, are a vehicle to explore theological arguments and make real the […]
This month’s lust list reflects that we’re into the fall/winter release cycle. In fact, there are actually two other books that would have made the list except I got them through the library between last month’s list and this one. Granted, two of the books below don’t actually come out until next month but that […]
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Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.