Blog Headline of the Week
What Happened to Napoleon’s Penis?
Nonbookish Linkage
How Washington got hooked on flying saucers Glossing over the truth about a “sundown” siren Why we get shots in the arm Decoding “letterlocking“ Sixty-five animal species that “laugh”
Bookish Linkage
How Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate got published Whichbook says it will […]
Ever really regret a bad decision? Wish there was some way of making good some of the damage it caused? A few inventive people have used an idea rife with cognitive dissonance – suing yourself.
The progenitor of what some call “autolitigation” is a California case decision. It started when Oreste Lodi sued himself in […]
Where and when the phrase “You’ll eat those words,” the standard idiom to suggest something said or written will be retracted, originated is unknown. As far back as the Book of Revelation, John of Patmos must eat a book held by an angel (Rev.10:9). A book of proverbs printed at Cambridge University in 1670 contained […]
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez
Kurt Vonnegut’s Socialism From Outer Space (“A transformative social consciousness runs through Vonnegut’s works, which express an acute frustration at injustice and an intense desire for something better.”)
Nonbookish Linkage
The push button scared people Eleven reasons to keep wearing a mask after you’re vaccinated (predates Thursdays CDC announcement) […]
Starting with Gene Autry’s recording of the song “Frosty the Snowman” in 1950, Frosty developed into a pervasive symbol of snowmen in America. Snowmen, though, have a much longer and more noteworthy history.
According to Bob Eckstein, author of The History of the Snowman, the first image of a snowman appears in marginalia in a […]
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