Nonbookish Linkage
Studies indicate “politicization of religious freedom has infiltrated every level of the federal judiciary“ I’m so happy to learn I was happiest almost 30 years ago Has the pandemic led to more demonic possession? But no one should be surprised that Zoom creates zombies
Bookish Linkage
I fully agree that, more than any […]
Audaciousness can occasionally be part of a criminal’s arsenal. Yet Jesse Dimmick’s brassiest act may have come while already serving a sentence for kidnapping.
Dimmick, a Denver area native, was one of two men sought in connection with a September 7, 2009, homicide in Aurora, Colo. Authorities arrested the other man but Dimmick remained at […]
I’ve been an avowed atheist for decades. I’ve always found the Bible and the story of Jesus incredible in the true sense of the word — not credible. Perhaps that accounts for some of the “D” grades I got in “Conduct” in Catholic school. But I have a confession to make, pun intended. Every year […]
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez
Religion, Legitimacy, and Government in America, A Just-So Story (“How is it, then, that religious belief can be both foundational to American democracy and a profound threat to it?”) Dr. Seuss’s Mistakes Are the Least of Our Troubles (“of all the racist, sexist, classist things children are exposed to, […]
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
Stop Invoking ‘The Founding Fathers’ in Political Debates (“To do so is to suggest that your views are unequivocally American and therefore correct, which couldn’t be more wrong.”)
Nonbookish Linkage
Can religion give you PTSD? “Sex addiction” isn’t really an addiction but a byproduct of conservative religiosity The uses […]
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