Bulletin Board
- One of those weeks combined with the onset of my “fall cold” to make things a bit sparse this week. So it goes.
Question of the Week
- With the local daily now running the Pearls Before Swine comic strip, why is it gracing us strips from 2006 rather than current ones?
Worthwhile Reading in the Interweb Tubes — E-reader Edition
- Buying books is fun, with a glass in your hand (“Before I first acquired a Kindle, exactly one year ago, I didn’t usually buy books while under the influence of alcohol.”)
- Why you shouldn’t buy an e-reader (“…a lot of people barely use their e-readers and sometimes even relegate them to what I fondly refer to as the-drawer-where-gadgets-go-to-die.”)
Bookish Linkage
- Lawsuits that kill books
- I’ve not read anything by Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa but The Guardian gives us its take on his five essential novels.
Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Susan Ertz, Anger in the Sky
My mother is terrible about buying books online after drinking way too much wine. She doesn’t even remember she bought them!
The post about e-readers dragging themselves into the Drawer Where Gadgets Go To Die is an interesting one to throw into the mix, since I’m trying to decide whether my writing would fit well with e-readers.
I wish some really hard-nosed statistician would do a study on what the truth is about this gadget and its users.