
January Bibliolust

It’s the time of year where we look both forward and back. In looking back, I am surprised at how closely the percentage of Bibliolust books read last year is to the all time percentage. I doubt there’s any significance but I do find it interesting. Looking forward means half the books this month actually come out the first week in February. The other half have been out for a bit but only recently intrigued me enough to make the list.

All That I Am, Anna Funder — I enjoyed Funder’s writing talents in the nonfiction work Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall. As a result, when I saw she’d written a novel about German opposition to Hitler coming to power, it ended upon the list.

Mail-Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads!, Kirk Demarais — I’m from the later part of the era for whom comic books were an essential. I remember the X-ray specs and other stuff advertising in the back of those books so want to find out what it all really was.

Men in Space, Tom McCarthy — I enjoy fiction about central and eastern Europe so a promo for this novel, set in Central Europe after the fall of communism, attracted my attention. I’ve not previously read any of McCarthy’s work so thought this might be a fair chance to do so.

Tolstoy: A Russian Life, Rosamund Bartlett — I’ve always thought Tolstoy was a fascinating character in and of himself. Although I was aware of Bartlett’s background in Russian literature, it’s only now making the lust list — and the reserve list at the library — based on the praise it has received since being released in early November.

Report Card:

Calendar Year 2011

Total Bibliolust books: 53

Number read: 42 (79.25%)

Started but did not finish: 5 (9.4%)

Cumulative (September 2008-December 2011)

Total Bibliolust books: 203

Number read: 161 (79.31%)

Started but did not finish: 14 (6.9%)

I love to read. It keeps the noise of the world at bay.

Art Garfunkel, Esquire magazine, December 2011

2011 in books — By the numbers

Want to know what happens when I combine a lengthy vacation with our “empty nest”? It means I read more books than in any year since I started keeping track in 1976. This year I read 147 books, compared to the prior record of 127 last year. And although the number may be somewhat squishy, that added up to nearly 46,000 pages.

What is perhaps most noticeable is the huge increase in e-books. Last year I read 18, 14 percent of the year’s total. This year I read 55, a 205 percent increase. Of course, this only means I’m keeping up with current trends. There were more than 32,000 e-books checked out from the local library, a 657 percent increase over last year, and more e-books were checked out in December than in all of 2010. This also is reflected in the fact I checked out fewer “real” books from the library this year (32) than last (45).

In looking more specifically at 2011, the results are proportionately very close to what they were last year:

Books Read: 147

Pages Read: 45,909

Fiction: 74 (50.3 percent)

  • Translated Fiction: 22 (19 fiction — 26 percent of the fiction– and three nonfiction)
  • Languages: German (6), French (3), Japanese (3), Spanish (3), Italian (2), Albanian (1), Arabic (1), Danish (1), Portuguese (1), Russian (1)
  • Science Fiction: 11
  • Short Stories: 7

Non-fiction: 67 (45.6 percent)

  • History: 13 (19.4 percent of nonfiction)
  • Autobiography/Memoirs/: 12
  • Biography: 9

Humor: 5

Review Copies Read: 36 (24.5 percent)

Books Reviewed: 37

Ebooks Read: 55 (37.4 percent)

I am simply a “book drunkard.” Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. I cannot withstand them.

L.M. Montgomery, The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Vol. 1: 1889-1910

2011 in books — My favorites

As longtime readers likely are aware, I don’t do my “best of” for books until the year has ended. I always fear I am going to read THE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR after I post that if I do so before year-end.

This is another year, though, where I can say nothing in the fiction market really blew me away. While that makes it difficult to pick a “best” novel, it does leave a sense of, “Maybe this is the one” throughout the year. And while perhaps it will change on rereading a year or more from now, I can say there was a nonfiction work that stood head and shoulders above the rest, as you will see.


Like many, I’ve kind of tired of waiting/searching for the “great post-9/11 novel.” And I almost hate to categorize Amy Waldman’s The Submission as being part of that genre (if it actually exists). Yet with her story of an American Muslim winning the competition to design a 9/11 memorial, Waldman does a wonderful job capturing the dichotomies and fractures that developed in America over the last 10 years. It is a fair and objective look at a number of those issues and the vehicle of fiction allows the exploration of a variety of views and aspects.

My two honorable mentions surprise me because of their authors. When I first heard that singer/songwriter Steve Earle was writing a book where the main character is haunted by Hank Williams’ ghost I admit I rolled my eyes. For whatever reason, though, I picked up I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive and was very glad I did. Earle is a compelling writer and he tells a saddening and redeeming tale set in the early 1960s that is well worth reading.

Likewise, I thought I’d given up on James Frey after the scandal over his “memoirs” and his crappy novel about L.A. Thus, as with Earle’s book, I was skeptical when I heard he had written a book on a messiah in contemporary New York City. And, as with Earle’s book, I’m very glad I read The Final Testament of the Holy Bible. As I noted in my short review, the book “raises fundamental questions about religion, how it affects our lives and how religious doctrines are interpreted.”


If you can’t tell from my review, Karl Marlantes’ What It Is Like to Go to War was my favorite book this year. Mixing autobiography, mythology and psychology, Marlantes may have written one of the finest explorations of war and its effect on our soldiers. I still believe it should be required reading for military and political leaders and is a book “far too important to ignore.”

A memoir and three biographies round out my nonfiction list. Although I feared it would be exploitive, I found Jaycee Dugard’s A Stolen Life: A Memoir better written and more insightful than I anticipated. Hopefully, it was equally therapeutic for her, if not more so. And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life by Charles J. Shields is something most Vonnegut fans will relish, providing a balanced look into the author and his life. Likewise, The Long Night: William L. Shirer and the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Steve Wicks’ and John Farrell’s Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned are worthy and insightful examinations of their subjects.


Irmgard Keun’s After Midnight might also qualify for another “award” I usually have — books I wish I’d read the year they were released. Problem is that After Midnight first appeared in the U.S. in 1938. Released again in 1985 and then this year as part of Melville House’s Neversink Library, it is a sparse and well-written look at the lives of average Germans following the Nazi rise to power in the 1930s.

A similar double nod also goes to Pereira Maintains by Antonio Tabucchi, another examination of life in a totalitarian society in the 1930s. Tabucchi sets his story in Portugal in 1938 and we’re never quite sure if the third person narrator is an interrogator or someone writing an investigative report. It was first released in the U.S. in 1986 but made another appearance this year, thereby qualifying it for the double “honor.”


Both Stephen King’s 11/22/63 and Haruki Murakami 1Q84 were interesting and often entertaining reads. But, damn, both really needed some editing. Clocking in at nearly 1,800 pages between them, some of those pages could have disappeared without adversely affecting the stories. Now I don’t have a problem with lengthy works; in fact, one of my favorites last year was 975 pages. But there can come a point where the content of the extended length damages the work as a whole and both these books went beyond that point.


Each year I become a bit more convinced that the amount of hype and praise a book gets before I read it isn’t good for the book. That’s certainly the case with several books I read this year where I found the advance billing far outweighed the story: The Third Reich: A Novel, Roberto Bolaño; The Illumination, Kevin Brockmeier; A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan; The Leftovers, Tom Perrotta; and, Robopocalypse, Daniel H. Wilson. But then, I’ve long been an illiterati.

I find myself happiest in the middle of a book in which I forget that I am reading, but am instead immersed in a made-up life lived at the highest pitch.

Pat Conroy, My Reading Life

Weekend Edition: 12-31

Bulletin Board

  • Given the date, it would be uncurmudgeonly of me not to note, “Another year shot to hell.”

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • A Year Without Fear (“So far, my strategy of being more adventurous was producing mixed results. My life seemed richer and more interesting—but it also involved a lot more groaning, clutching my sides and intermittently praying for death.”)
  • How I became a ‘terrorist’ (“The first time I was attacked by an Israeli settler, I was 14 years old.”) (via)

Bot Comment of the Week

(Inspired by my friends at Cognitive Dissonance, the end of the year brings the start of an excerpt from the “best” blog comment posted by a bot. And, as a bonus, this week includes the funniest bot comment I’ve seen in a long time.)

  • “You realize therefore considerably when it comes to this subject, produced me in my view believe it from numerous numerous angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be fascinated until it is one thing to accomplish with Lady gaga! Your personal stuffs excellent. All the time maintain it up!” (December 29 comment to this book review)
  • “I can certainly be back,” posted by user “genital warts.”

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to

Bill Vaughan

So, how many pages are in a book?

This year for the first time I decided to keep track of how many pages were in the books I read. I never did before because I figured it wasn’t fair to include the index and didn’t want to go through the hassle of counting pages, subtracting index-like matter and adding in prefaces and the like.

In an effort to avoid that issue, I figured I would just use the number of pages Goodreads said a book had. Recently, though, I discovered that the number of pages in a book depends on the source. Here’s a handful of examples from the last several books I’ve read, all using the same edition of the particular book:

36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction

Amazon — 528 pages
Goodreads — 416 pages
OCLC WorldCat — 506 pages

The Eichmann Trial

Amazon — 272 pages
Goodreads — 256 pages
OCLC WorldCat — 237 pages

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Amazon — 192 pages
Goodreads — 169 pages
OCLC WorldCat — 166 pages

The New New Rules

Amazon — 368 pages
Goodreads — 354 pages
OCLC WorldCat — 354 pages


Amazon — 288 pages
Goodreads — 277 pages
OCLC WorldCat — 277 pages

So, depending on the source, these five books have anywhere from 1,450 pages to 1,648 pages. As far as I can tell, only Goodreads defines how it arrives at page count. There, the number of pages in a book “is meant to include all content except for advertisements and preview chapters for other books.” It does not, however, include introductory material paged with roman numerals. (But what about table of contents or an index?) This would suggest Amazon includes any roman numeral pages but there still is little consistent agreement among the three sources.

So, does anybody out there know how to count the number of pages in a book?

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done, so now I just have to fill in the rest.

Steven Wright