
Friday Follies: 1.21

A Russian court reduced by several months the sentence of a man who murdered and ate his mother — and dismissed a cannibalism charge against him — because “I was so hungry, I had to eat [the corpse].” (Via.)

But maybe it’s a cultural thing. “Russian police have arrested three homeless people suspected of eating […]

Friday Follies 1.20 (headline edition)

Sometimes the headlines (and subheads) say it all:

Man caught nude in truck uses the “explosive diarrhea” defense.

Woman Calls 911, Says Boyfriend Won’t Marry Her Same Person Called 911 Saying She Couldn’t Find Car (Via.)

Giant Breathalyzer Found Drunk in Ohio.

Man stabs himself so he doesn’t have to go to his job at […]

Friday Follies 1.19

I’m thinking a $16.5 million verdict isn’t unexpected when jurors ask for a 10-digit adding machine.

Woman arrested for offering sex for World Series tickets gets 800 new Facebook “friends.” I wonder why. (Via.)

Dumb legal marketing idea # 36,926: Lawyer-referral site tries to generate more business for immigration lawyers by offering a make-believe phony […]

Friday Follies 1.18

North Korea has amended its constitution. In inimitable North Korean style, the “contents of the revision have not been made public” by its government.

“Miss California USA officials want Carrie Prejean to repay $5,200 they say she borrowed to have her breasts augmented last year.”

But that may not top this: Defective Underwear Causes Penis […]

Friday Follies 1.17

I wonder if this will pop up if South Dakota’s smoking ban referendum moves forward? A Canadian truck driver was arrested and fined for smoking in the workplace — his truck. (Via.)

Polish and Russian legislators are suggesting dealing with pedophilia by using drugs to lower the sex drive of offenders.

Poland’s lower house of […]