About six months ago I spent some time playing with a site that shows how popular a Google search query is in each U.S. state. I recently decided to see what’s been going on more recently so checked into the main source for this info to get an idea of what’s been going on so […]
They’re a cyberspace scourge, technology’s version of a pestilence. And there’s no real cure. The sad fact is spammers are here to stay. Yet just as diseases have varying degrees of menace from, say, the common cold to the plague, the same is true of spammers. The common cold are the idiots who fill our […]
I’m not a reader of the McSweeney publications but thankfully Blog of a Bookslut led me to an excellent piece posted last week by Robert Lanham. It’s a syllabus and course overview for a new English class, Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era.
The piece is absolutely marvelous. I don’t want to spoil it […]
In what may be a commentary on the modern world, the state of the economy or both, a Wall Street Journal columnist believes more people make their living blogging than fighting fires.
Based on a review of a variety of sources, Mark Penn concluded that of more than 20 million bloggers, 1.7 million are “profiting […]
I do a lot of book reviews, both here and for Blogcritics. I get some of the books free, whether from the publisher, author or a publicist. Evidently, that now may subject me to regulation by the Federal Trade Commission.
The FTC is considering changes in federal regulations regarding the “use of endorsements and testimonials […]
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