
Weekend Edition: 7-29

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Donald Trump’s War on the 1960s (“…how nice it was that [religious and ethnic minorities] knew their place, didn’t get too uppity and honored the primacy of Christians and whites who, the story goes, steadied and built the United States.”)

Practicing Law 101

If opposing counsel seeks sanctions against […]

Book Review: The Trial of Prisoner 043 by Terry Jastrow

A popular bit of humor about Trump’s presidency is that George W. Bush is thrilled he’ll no longer be the worst president in U.S. history. Bush, in fact, was ranked the worst of our presidents by 61 percent of historians responding to a 2008 informal poll, in significant part because of the 2003 invasion of […]

Book Review: Samaritans by Jonathan Lynn

Political satire has changed over the last 10 to 20 years thanks to programs like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. Shows such as these go beyond amusing entertainment. They’ve become sources of news and information, vehicles that actually increase political knowledge. Jonathan […]

Weekend Edition: 7-22

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Atheology Part 1: God Doesn’t Exist; We Do (“The supernatural doesn’t matter, but humans and humanity do.”)

Welcome to the New Trumpism (“This could be Trump’s most far-reaching impact: He’s shown how corrupt a president can go unpunished because of hyper-partisanship.”)

Bookish Linkage

Why medieval libraries chained their […]

Book Review: Crowns in Conflict by Theo Aronson

While reading Theo Aronson’s Crowns in Conflict: The Triumph and Tragedy of European Monarchy 1910-1918, an essentially biographic approach to World War I’s effect on Europe’s monarchies, I often thought of another book I read years ago. The Fall of Eagles, C.L.Suzberger’s account of the fall of the Habsburg, Hohenzollern, and Romanov dynasties, was on […]