
South Dakota (Conservative) Public Broadcasting

I’m generally a pretty big fan of South Dakota Public Broadcasting. I think Statehouse has done more to bring the workings of the state legislature to the general public than anything. Still, there are times when you gotta wonder.

Recently, SDPB announced it would not air an episode of Postcards from Buster, in which the […]

Kate Looby

I was going to post something about how the abortion bills, even the extreme ones, are sailing through the South Dakota Legislature. Instead, I decided to focus on what’s passed through my mind with virtually every picture I see associated with that legislation.

I do not know and have never met Kate Looby, the state […]


Travel, work, kids, etc., have all combined to keep me behind on current topics and, hence, also keep things sparse around here. Still, want to get off a couple quickies:

The first two abortion bills sailed through the House State Affairs Committee on unanimous 13-0 votes. One (HB 1166) would expand physician disclosures with some […]

Same sex marriage ban

For those who may be interested, here is the vote in the state House of Representatives on the bill putting on the ballot a state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

There are news stories on the House committee hearing and House debate. If you want the unfiltered details, audio of the committee and […]

Taking a stand

Compliments to Sen. Tim Johnson for voting against Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General. Of course, Sen. John “Independent Voice” Thune voted in favor of Gonzales. Yes, it sends a wonderful message when the nation’s new chief law enforcement officer helped create the concept of “enemy combatants” with no due process rights, said we could ignore […]