
Weekend Edition: 2-7

Bulletin Board

There’s another addition to the Curmudgeon’s Gallery

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Trip Treatment (“…cancer patients receiving just a single dose of psilocybin experienced immediate and dramatic reductions in anxiety and depression, improvements that were sustained for at least six months.”)

What Really Happened to Baby Johan? (“In the context […]

Best of January 2015

In the hopes of some more consistent posting, I’m going to try (“try” being the operative word) to do a monthly post on the books, movies, etc., that grabbed me the month before.


Surprisingly, the best book I’ve read this year will be 75 years old in September. But there’s a somber timelessness to […]

Weekend Edition: 1-31

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (“If you find yourself consistently giving too many fucks about trivial shit that bothers you … chances are you don’t have much going on in your life to give a legitimate fuck about. And that’s your real problem.”) (This piece also […]

Weekend Edition: 1-24

Bulletin Board

Today is National Readathon Day. You know what to do.

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Hunting of Billie Holiday (“[Chief drug enforcer Harry] Anslinger took jazz as yet more proof that marijuana drives people insane.”)

Why Don’t More People Kill Themselves (“What surprises me is that more people don’t choose […]

Popularity causes welcome problem for Historical Society Press

Around 1930, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote an autobiography about her and her family’s pioneer experience. No one would publish it. Wilder ended up using it as a source for her wildly successful Little House series. Turn the clock ahead 80 some years and things have changed dramatically. The autobiography was finally published late last year […]