
Weekend Edition: 8-18

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Blog Headline of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

Idleness is only a coarse name for my infinite capacity for living in the present.

Cyril Connolly, Cyril Connolly: Journal and Memoir

Book Review: The Testament of Jessie Lamb by Jane Rogers

Almost of necessity, dystopian literature has its roots in concerns of the times in which it is written. It is an author envisioning a potential future in which something already existing or on the horizon heads in a bad direction. What author Jane Rogers recognizes in her award-winning The Testament of Jessie Lamb is the synergistic effect of the primary cause or event.

The book is built on a commonly imagined catastrophe – a virus. This isn’t a virus that spreads an Ebola-like plague or kills those who are infected. It is far more shattering for the future of mankind. Although this virus, an act of unknown bioterrorists, has infected everyone on the planet, it is activated only by pregnancy. Pregnancy triggers Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a variant of which is commonly called “mad cow disease.” Before the child comes to term, the disease destroys the mother’s brain and she will not survive, giving the condition the name Maternal Death Syndrome.

Not only does the virus kill every woman who becomes pregnant, the mother passes it along to the child. Because of that, women face the choice of childlessness or having one child and certain death. The effect on the human psyche and the future viability of the human race is devastating. This is the near-future England in which Jessie Lamb, a teenage girl, and her friends are coming of age. Yet Rogers ups the ante with a twist.

Science has not found a cure, only a vaccine, which does little good when everyone alive is already infected. Yet scientists – who include Jessie’s father – realize that vaccinating embryos frozen before MDS appeared will be immune from the virus, providing a way to better perpetuate the human race. One concept is “Sleeping Beauties,” young women who are implanted with vaccinated embryos and, after becoming pregnant, are placed in a coma and on life support until the fetus is brought to term. Upon birth, the mother’s life support is unplugged and the child goes to adoptive parents.

Not surprisingly, this creates a national uproar. So scientists also experiment on creating artificial wombs, as well as transgenic wombs in sheep or potentially other animals that can bring a human fetus to term. These proposed “solutions” result in religious and political battle lines being drawn among a wide variety of interest groups. There are activist groups who contend there would be more focus on a cure if were men were dying instead of women. There are animal rights groups confronting scientists and those who believe animal experimentation is preferable to human experimentation or the Sleeping Beauties program. There are the legal and social issues of who has rights in a frozen embryo and who are the parents.

Jessie is just one of many teens and children buffeted by these events. Some, both young and old, have given up hope entirely, leading to societal decay. There is growing divisiveness between young and old, with the young blaming their parents or others for the condition of the world and abandoning family life to strike out on their own. Others become members of any number of militant factions. Others do battle over religious doctrine, both traditional and evolving.

The testament Jessie writes reveals her varying and uncertain views of and attitudes toward these events. In addition to the traditional issues in any family – domestic discord, the illness of close relatives and the like – she must confront both feelings of hopelessness and a desire to help solve the problems in some fashion. She considers activism, both aggressive and passive. She struggles with being a prime candidate to be a Sleeping Beauty. She finds herself caught among the various and often opposing opinions and priorities of her friends and peers.

Yet the central conflict is a universal one. Jessie is often impassioned by altruism and the need to make a difference. “The only solution is a new beginning,” she says at one point. “And the only relief is in doing something to make that happen.” Her parents tend toward the pragmatism that comes with age. Her desire to help effectuate change clashes sharply with their willingness to allow science to work toward a cure.

The mix of issues, conflicts and ramifications of MDS helped earn The Testament of Jessie Lamb the Arthur C Clarke Award in May. The book also was long-listed for the 2011 Man Booker Prize. At the same time, the mix also seems to introduce a couple characters who seem to appear and reappear just for the purpose of raising an issue or conflict. And at times Jessie seems a bit too mercurial, although that may well be an effort to reflect the struggle of a teenage mind to cope with the threat and ramifications of MDS.

Jessie Lamb isn’t in the vanguard of some movement. And whether she is a heroic role model may depend on the reader’s own predilections. Yet Rogers allows the reader to reach their conclusion but unfolding the struggles of a young woman in finding her place and her own way in a confusing world beset by turmoil.

Since everything was going to rack and ruin and nothing could be done to make any of it right, the most ecologically useful thing anyone could do would be to die.

Jane Rogers, The Testament of Jessie Lamb

Weekend Edition: 8-11

Bulletin Board

  • The State Historical Society has made the first 32 years of South Dakota History available online at no charge.

Blog Lines of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

It might look like I’m standing motionless, but I’m actively waiting for our problems to go away.

Scott Adams, Dilbert, Nov. 6, 1997

Microreview: Red Plenty by Francis Spufford

Francis Spufford’s Red Plenty may be the most fascinating book I’ve read in a long, long time. It’s the rare book where you think about the subject and have a hard time believing you are so involved with it.

On the surface, Red Plenty is, for lack of a better term, a literary history of the central planning of the Soviet Union’s economy in the 1960s. The U.S.S.R.’s goal was to “overtake and surpass” capitalist economies and produce a horn of plenty. While economic planning seems a dry and boring topic, Spufford totally blurs the line between fiction and history. The book relates the history of this period through the eyes of more than a dozen real and fictional politicians, economists, technocrats and even a “fixer” with fact-based fiction. How often do you read a novel with some 50 pages of endnotes and a 13-page bibliography?

Red Plenty goes beyond typical historical fiction or creative nonfiction. Spufford, in fact, calls it a Russian fairytale. With what he terms “inter-chapters” printed in italics that break up the book, we get essays that summarize the actual history and interplay of theory, politics and economics. Each chapter is told by a different character and shows us the local and personal reality of the politics and the process. This approach makes entirely readable a topic that might otherwise glaze the eyes of all but Sovietoligists and economists.

Red Plenty isn’t for everybody. It helps if you have at least some interest in the Soviet Union or the Cold War. The book also can occasionally get too theoretical or sometimes forces the reader to refer back to the cast of characters to see if we’ve met a particular narrator or character earlier in the book. But that does not keep it from being a success.

As a side note, a huge tip of the hat should go to Graywolf Press for bringing the book, first published in the U.K. in 2010, to the U.S. Over the last few years the St. Paul-based publisher has excelled at publishing exceptional American and foreign fiction.

Intellectuals with their noses in the air might not care if they sat on hard stools or comfy chairs, but everyone else preferred a bit of padding under their arse.

Francis Spufford, Red Plenty

Weekend Edition: 8-4

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • Americans Want to Live in a Much More Equal Country (They Just Don’t Realize It)(“In fact, the vast majority of Americans prefer a distribution of wealth more equal than what exists in Sweden, which is often placed rhetorically at the extreme far left in terms of political ideology–embraced by liberals as an ideal society and disparaged by conservatives as an overreaching socialist nanny state.”)
  • Against Enthusiasm (“Not to share in the lit world’s online slumber party can seem strange and mark a person as unlikable or (a worse offense in this age) unfollowable.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

I am no better and neither are you
We’re all the same whatever we do

Sly & the Family Stone, “Everyday People,” Stand!