
Friday Follies 2.15

Evidently not having read the “not stealing” part of the Ten Commandments, a British man is being sought for copyright infringement on hundreds of Christian books.

The ads were/are annoying enough but Subway’s effort to trademark “footlong” ensures I won’t eat at any of their restaurants again.

Probably not the headline you want about you […]

Sunday brunch

As I indicated, travel has keep internet access occasional at best. As a result, the weekly installments of Friday Follies and Weekend Edition didn’t make it on their normal days. So, with a bit of down time this morning, I’m offering Sunday Brunch, a combo of the two in one post that hopefully isn’t stale.


Friday Follies 2.13

Stupid Legislative Trick of the Week: U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman and a couple other idjits are introducing legislation to allow Americans to be stripped of their citizenship if the State Department (not a court) concludes they are associated with a terrorist organization. I doubt it’s coincidence that these guys — who evidently don’t remember McCarthyism […]

Friday Follies 2.12

Why people hate us lawyers: Jennifer Walzer was charged $6,000 for a review of a sublease. The bill included a $60 charge for responding to a courtesy e-mail she sent that she would review the lawyer’s comments when she returned to the office. Billed as taking 12 minutes, the response said, “I hope everything is […]

Friday Follies 2.11

Stupid Legislative Trick of the Week 1: The Arizona House passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to show their birth certificate if they want to be on the state’s ballot.

Stupid Legislative Trick of the Week 2: The Georgia legislature has passed a bill to outlaw nonconsensual microchip-implanting. The post indicates our neighbors to the […]