
See, I am not annoying (much)

Oxford University, evidently having a wide range of things to study, came up with a list of the ten most irritating phrases. I thought I’d check and see just how irritating I have been on this blog, so here’s how often those phrases have been used here.

10 — “It’s not rocket science.” Never used.


Tagged: Bookworm Awards meme

Rotus at I’ll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book tagged me with the Bookworm Awards meme. His rational? He was targeting people “who regularly read ACTUAL BOOKS and sometimes review them.” As I do resemble that remark, I guess I’m it. The rules:

Open the book closest to you, not your favorite or […]

Weekend Edition: 11-15

Bulletin Board

I’m in the process of trying to decide what reading challenges to do next year. I’ve already decided to join Notable Books, kind of a reading challenge blog where you read and post reviews of books from notable lists as I figure I often use those lists. I’m also giving consideration to the […]

New Scientist on SF

The latest issue of New Scientist contains a special section on SF. Among other things, it contains the picks of staff for various awards for SF books. Here’s a smattering:


Best SF Book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Runners-up: Frank Herbert’s Dune and Iain M. Banks’ Use of Weapons

Worst […]

Book Review: I Hate New Music by Dave Thompson

There’s a fine, some might say invisible, line between a deep passion with an agitative edge and simply knowing that anyone with half a brain would realize you are right if they just opened their eyes or ears. Whether that line exists is also probably dependent on perspective, particularly in the case of Dave Thompson’s […]