
Elections + Obama + zealots = ballot challenge

We see all too frequently that getting information in today’s world isn’t the problem; it’s the ability to evaluate it. Latest case in point? The regular meeting Friday of the South Dakota Board of Elections includes an agenda item on a complaint filed to keep President Barack Obama off the ballot.

Thomas Scheveck beats three […]

Weekend Edition: 5-5

Bulletin Board

May is World in Translation Month, where independent book stores promote literature in translation.

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Enemy Within (“If America stopped searching for goblins under the bed, it might actually be able to reset its economic priorities and start investing in the things that would make the […]

May Bibliolust

My “nonresolution” of trying to read what I want when I feel like it seems to be having benefits. My progress on Bibliolust for both this year and past years has improved greatly. In fact, there’s only two books from this month’s list so far I haven’t read or abandoned — and for those two […]

Book Review: The Heartbreak of Aaron Burr by H.W. Brands

I grew up in an era when people still wrote letters. In fact, I remember my mother sitting down at least once a week writing to friends and relatives out of town, many on a weekly or biweekly basis. Today, though, letters are more rare. We tend to rely on email or text messaging to […]

Weekend Edition: 4-28

Bulletin Board

Monday is International Jazz Day.

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

A teacher, a student and a 39-year-long lesson in forgiveness (“The beauty of an apology is that everyone wins because it reveals not only who we are, but who we hope we are.”)

The capital of the forgetful (“There is a […]