
Dicta and marginalia

A few items of interest as I get caught up on periodicals and being away from my newsreader for a few days.

The Atlantic is quickly becoming one of my favorite magazines. Just the first several pages of this month’s issue (not the cover story or the features) includes: an excellent column on how the […]

A small example of the culture of malice

It’s been there since Bush took office. We’ve seen some of its virulence in the last couple days with the attacks on Congressman John Murtha. Yet this week also offered insight into the level of pettiness to which Republican leadership will go in their malice for and hostility toward anyone who might dare think differently […]

Naming rights

It appears the naming rights wars have begun locally. First, Sioux Valley Hospital announced it was going to pay $3.2 million over 20 years for a “corporate sponsorship” of the new athletic field being built by the University of Sioux Falls. (Being a Baptist school, USF refers to the stadium as a “faith-based athletic complex.”) […]


A few quick notes while attending the state AA volleyball tournament:

Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking won the National Book Award for nonfiction. It remains in my TBR pile and has in fact moved down in the stack as there’s a couple books since received which I have committments to review. Willaim T. […]

BTR 30th Hammersmith Odeon DVD

There’s an adage among fans of Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. It’s basically that, no matter how many times you’ve seen them, the best concert you’ve ever been to is the last one of theirs you saw. That thought came to mind as I was watching the DVD of their 1975 concert at […]