
Midweek Music Moment: “Subterranean Homesick Blues”

Bob Dylan was groundbreaking in many areas. But who’da thunk he’d foreshadow the day of the music video. Yet a filmed promo for his song “Subterranean homesick blues,” shot on May 8, 1965, on Dylan’s U.K. tour, not only was one of the first, it was ranked number 7 on Rolling Stone‘s 1993 list of […]

Book Review: “Socialism Is Great!” by Lijia Zhang

It is the actions of the masses, not great men, that truly shape history, Leo Tolstoy argued in War and Peace. Support for that theory might be seen in Lijia Zhang’s “Socialism Is Great!”: A Worker’s Memoir of the New China.

Zhang’s book is a personal memoir, not a political one. That’s why it is […]

Musing Mondays: TBR anxiety

How many books (roughly) are in your tbr pile? Is this in increasing number or does it stay stable? Do you ever experience tbr anxiety in the face of this pile?


Sadly, my TBR pile has grown to the point it is now a now a three-shelf bookcase next to my side […]

Book Review: To the Last Salute by Georg von Trapp

At least in name, Georg von Trapp achieved international fame as the father of the family portrayed in The Sound of Music musical and film production. How accurate that character was has been challenged by von Trapp’s family. One aspect was right: von Trapp was a retired naval officer. Not only did he serve in […]

Weekend edition 5-2

Bulletin Board

I contributed to an ObamaRama — a review of Obama’s first 100 days — at the newly redesigned Blogcritics Magazine. My piece appears in Part 2 but there’s no reason not to start with Part 1. And I kept my vow about the political — my contribution is on Obama and books.

But […]