
Weekend Edition: 9-24

Bulletin Board

  • A relatively early edition this weekend because I am today enjoying several games and three of the greatest words in the world: “Let’s play hockey!”

Worthwhile Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • My God, It’s Full of Stars (“…we have the technology and capability to feed, clothe, house and provide for every human being on the planet our most basic needs. But instead of doing so, we buy into a belief of scarcity, of hoarding, of fear of losing what little we have.”)

  • Pettigrew’s Redemption (“So was Pettigrew a visionary or a scoundrel? A bona-fide town builder or self-serving politician? Was he a Republican, Populist, Democrat, Socialist or Communist? At times in his life he was all of the above.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

Blog Line of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

Well, um, icing happen when the puck come down, bang you know, before the other guys you know. Nobody there, you know. My arm go comes up then the game stop then start up.

Denis Lemieux (Yvon Barrette), Slap Shot

Friday Follies 3.18

For future reference, there is no First Amendment right to attend illegal cockfights.

A hunter in Alaska is suing the National Park Service for threatening to prosecute him if he keeps hunting moose from his hovercraft in a federal preserve.

Meanwhile, in nearby British Columbia a man who was abandoned as a teenager is being sued by his elderly mother for parental support. (via)

Maybe you shouldn’t apply for a job at a jail if you have an outstanding warrant for manslaughter.

Things you don’t want a federal appeals court to say, Part 278: Your pleading “crossed the line from just ‘unnecessarily long’ to ‘unintelligible'” and much of your writing “is little more than gibberish.” (via)

A securities fraud lawyer in the New York Attorney General’s office has been suspended following news reports she has an outside job as a dominatrix.

The “Black Hills” are not black; they are verdant green. The Black Hills are not hills; they are mountains.

Smith v. City of Rapid City, 307 N.W.2d 598 (S.D. 1981)
(Justice Henderson concurring in part and dissenting in part)

Friends don’t let friends’ books commit suicide

I don’t usually post just pictures, particularly when they’re from so-called social media. But Random House, Inc., said so much with this picture and short slogan posted on its Facebook page that I needed to pass it along.

If television does that to inanimate objects, just think of its effect on brain cells.

[T]he nuclear generator of brain sludge is television.

Dave Barry, Dave Barry Is from Mars and Venus

Weekend Edition: 9-17

Bulletin Board

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Blog Headline of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.

Carl Rowan, American Libraries, Feb. 1995

Friday Follies 3.17

A 290-pound stockbroker is suing White Castle because he could not fit in the booths at one of its restaurants in New York.

A law firm, of all places, reportedly threatened to fire an employee who was selected as a juror in a lengthy murder trial.

Tampa Bay Woman Arrested for Stripping at Club That Didn’t Employ Her (via)

As the imposition of nearly $16,000 in fines for unethical conduct didn’t seem to deter him, a federal appeals court has now suspended an Illinois lawyer indefinitely from practice in that circuit.

A Massachusetts woman has asked a judge to prevent the local newspaper from including her long criminal history in stories about her. (via)

San Francisco is considering legislation that would require those in the nude to place a towel or like item underneath them when they sit down and to cover up before entering a restaurant. (via)

Before putting his question, cross-examining counsel might well have taken counsel of Proverbs, 26, 27: ‘Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein; and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.’

Tuttle v. Suznevich, 149 A.2d 888, 891 (Pa. 1958)